Friday, July 31, 2009

stinky feet

I don't like foot fungus.  I've had a serious case of fungtastic athlete's foot ever since my mission, which ended 9 years ago.  No matter what I do, it won't go away.  I beat it into submission for short periods of time but then it re-rears its ugly head.  I tear of about 5 layers of skin scratching the crap out of it and then my foot hurts for a while after that, but I can't help it.  It itches like a dog with fleas.  Luckily it is only on my right foot.  My left foot is too good for foot fungus.  So,  while I've lost most of my souvenirs from Mexico; one remains:  an eternal case of never-ending Mexican foot fungus- putting the gus in fungus.